About us

GIL SIMONI economistes is an Andorran firm that provides professional services in the economic-financial area of companies, both nationally and internationally.

Esther Gil Simoni is the founding partner. After a professional career of twenty years in various private and public companies, both national and international, she is undertaking this new stage to offer all her experience and accumulated knowledge.

Aware of the great responsibility that it implies to offer a high-quality service, we collaborate with various professionals in the fiscal, legal and human resources field to have an interdisciplinary team to cover all the needs of our clients.

Having worked in an international environment, where the idiosyncrasies of each country, its laws and regulations are different, it gives us a broad and open vision of the business world.
However, the nature of public and private companies is markedly different. And the fact of having formed part of both visions is another added value to our experience.

Throughout this time, we have developed several responsibilities in areas such as management control, accounting and treasury, purchasing, development of new business projects and training. And all this in very different settings, in countries such as Andorra, Spain, the United States and Brazil, and carrying out various projects in China, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Turkey and Greenland, among others.

Now, with all this experience and know-how, we believe it is time to be able to offer it to companies that are looking for a service of the highest quality and strictly linked to their needs. This is the vocation and essence of GIL SIMONI economistes: quality and personalization.



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